“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer”
— Rainer Maria Rilke

For those who are deep in a liminal space, who are at a threshold moment in their life. 

For those who are in the in-between.  

For those who are living the questions, who am I now? What is next?

Come and gather with us.

This autumn, we are offering a new 6 month Circle journey for those in moments of big life transition to be held, to be heard, to be in the not knowing, to find kinship and perhaps some clarity. 


There are moments in life where this liminal space feels exquisite, full of possibility and potency. And there are others where it feels dense, foggy, heavy and too much to bear. 

But you do not need to go it alone..

This is your invitation to join a new Circle for those who are at a Threshold moment in life and want to be held in a deep space of inquiry, connection, compassion and possibility, so you can walk your path shoulder to shoulder with other women. 

We will hold you in a space of truth, of honesty and with a touch of the mystical. 

A space where you can really lean into the unknown and be in relationship with it. 

A space where you can meet yourselves at the edges of darkness, sit with the big questions and also dance with the possibility of imagination, of hope and what lies beyond the present moment.


For those who feel the call, we will step into a portal of depth, of truth, of connection and of possibility. 

We will go deep and we will go wide. 

You will ‘live the questions’ in your heart and we will support you through it. 

We cannot guarantee an answer to your question, a crystal clear or neatly packed ‘solution’ within our 6 months together, but here is what I know to be true about Circle space and what can happen in ours: 

It can give us answers to questions we didn’t even know we held, taking us in new and beautiful directions. 

It can allow us to feel a level of comfort in the ‘not knowing’ so something beautiful can emerge within us. 

Through putting down our energy of striving, and being in an energy of inquiry, we can access deep, beautiful and courageous parts of ourselves 

We can touch into a place of playful imagination and possibility, so the load we carry doesn’t feel so heavy, anymore. 

THIS is the kind of space I am inviting you into. 

An opportunity to allow yourself the gift of being supported through your threshold moment. 

There are so many thresholds we cross in life, so many ‘becomings’ we undergo. Having a child, navigating midlife transitions such as perimenopause, beginning a new relationship, going through a breakup, yearning for a new career or creative direction, sensing a shift in who you are, without knowing exactly who you are becoming…

If you are in a season like this, come and sit around our fire. 

Step into the Circle, let it hold your longings, your questions, your hopes and your desires.



This could be the space for you if you feel resonance with some or all of these things: 

✨You feel like you’re in a big threshold moment in life, where something is shifting within you or in your circumstances and you are seeking support.

✨You want to enter a courageous space with others who are in a similar moment in life, listening, sharing and learning from one another. 

✨You value spaces of depth and emotional openness and find that clarity comes from giving your thoughts and feelings space and tender care. 

✨You have the ability to hold yourself through deep work and understand that whilst this space may feel therapeutic, it is not a substitute for therapy. 

✨You desire more connection with others, more clarity and a more compassionate way of relating to yourself. 

✨You yearn to feel a spark of hope, possibility and joy amidst the pain and uncertainty. 


Circle is an emergent space. It has no guaranteed outcome. It cannot give you a five step process to clarity and success. 

But what it can do is hold you in the depth of your emotion, hold profound uncertainty and allow you to sit in the depth of your feelings, hold the complexity of your humanity and offer you the space to allow the emergence of something new. 

Part of Circle’s unique power is to allow us to be able to meet the unknown and complexity of our human experience with curiosity, care and tenderness. So much of our supposed “wellness” culture is rooted in the idea that we are on (or *should* be on) an upward trajectory all the time.

This simply isn’t true.

It is an idealistic fallacy that sets us up to feel we are failing somehow.

What if we were to learn to embrace the times of uncertainty, of not knowing?

What if we were to allow ourselves to experience liminal space as a healthy and normal part of our human experience, without trying to fix ourselves?

What could it do for us?

What could it do for the collective?

These are the powerful questions we will sit with together during our time together, as they provide a fertile ground for exploration and transformation. 


We will gather together monthly over 6 months, journeying together and being in relationship with the threshold we individually and collectively stand at. 

Rather than there being a fixed and immutable programme shape, the 6 month journey will be crafted in a responsive way, following the unfolding of the group. 

Alongside our live gatherings on Zoom, you will be provided with a simple yet rich set of home practices to support your journey. These will range from powerful coaching and journaling questions, to ritual practice and a reading list brimming with wonderful books. 

This is not an outcome based programme, it is an experience based programme.

What we don’t know is exactly what will happen. 
What we do know is that if you allow yourself to fully dive into the space and process, magic can happen. In 6 years of running similar group spaces, the work has been described as ‘life changing’ each and every time.


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As we step into the unknown together, it is important we have a framework for our exploration together. 

Here are some of the core Pillars that will underpin our Journey:

Pillar 1: The Healing Power of Storytelling  

One of the most potent opportunities Circle space offers is the space to experience catharsis, clarity and connection through sharing our stories. In this journey we will: 

  • Practice beng in a space of radical vulnerability both with yourself and others, so that you can find courage and clarity. 

  • Expand your capacity to connect to truth and make decisions from a place of deep alignment.

  • Learn to use story as  a tool for healing and transformation.

Pillar 2: The Fertile Void 

If we are to allow ourselves to truly ‘live the questions’ we must learn to soften into the place of not knowing. Throughout our journey we will: 

  • Learn to lean into the unknown as a place of ripe potential.

  • Practice using tangible tools, practices and inspiration to support this process. 

  • Orient to a new way of moving through our lives, from striving to surrender.  

Pillar 3: Ritual as a Tool for Transformation 

As long as humans have been on this earth, ritual has been an important part of making sense of what it means to be alive and honouring key moments. We will harness the power of ritual (both individually and as a group) to support our passage through the liminal. We will:

  • Experience guided ritual practice as a potent tool to support our journey through uncertainty. 

  • Design our own ‘rite of passage’ ceremony to guide us from one phase of life to the next. 

  • Learn a simple, daily ritual practice to support you through the hard times and root you into your body, your heart and the earth. 

Pillar 4: The Sacred Medicine of Awe & Wonder

When we engage with the liminal, we spend time in the dark, in the shadow. It can feel hard, lonely and draining. Our souls may ache with the difficulty of being in this space. In our time together, we will: 

  • Use the power of tuning into Awe and Wonder as a pathway to hope and clarity.

  • Use Heartmath practice to support our physiology to connect to joy. 

  • Celebrate in Circle together.

Pillar 5: Community Care & Witnessing 

Being witnessed by the community our journey is hard wired into us as humans: through rites of passage and communal gatherings, our key moments would be seen and celebrated by others. Many of us have lost access to this vital act. In our time together we will: 

  • Co-create a space of deep care and compassion, for you to allow yourself to be seen, heard and held. 

  • Weaving community connections that create our very own ‘Viillage’ during our time together and beyond, so you can experience that vital sense so many of us crave: ‘These are my people. I feel I can be myself here. All of myself.’ 


We will meet for a series of live sessions on Zoom:

Monday 9th September: 7-8:30pm 

Monday 14th October 7-8:30pm

Monday 11th November: 7-8:30pm 

Monday 9th December: 7-8:30pm 

Monday 13th January: 7-8:30pm 

Monday 10th February: 7-8:30pm 

And we will close our experience with a half day virtual retreat:

Sunday 2nd March- 12-4pm 

All times are UK times. 

This is a programme that requires live participation. There is a beautiful Japanese concept  ‘ichi-go ichi-e’ (一期一会) translated roughly as ‘one time, one meeting’, which captures something of the essence of Circle space: our meeting exists in the moment, it precious and requires our full presence in the moment. As such, the calls will not be recorded. 


This programme is priced at less than a third of the price of our usual 6 month Circle journeys. I am also experimenting with a pricing structure which seeks to be as equitable as possible, recognising our different economic circumstances and allowing more of you to access the programme. The wider our community and backgrounds, the richer our communal experience.

As a single mother in a season of limited resources myself, I trust that you will choose the price that reflects your true economic circumstances so it is viable to run the programme.

Here are the options:


(You would not be able to take this programme without receiving a supported place)

(You have enough resources to make this investment and pay the fee that allows this programme to be designed and delivered)

(You are in a season of life where you have resources that can support another sister to take this programme)



 To spread the cost, you may opt to pay in 3 installments: 


The great paradox of being in a Threshold moment is it feels we are on shaky ground. How do we decide what is the next step? How do we make decisions to support ourselves? Is this the right programme to invest in when I feel unsure about everything? 

I want to honour the place you are in and say that this experience is crafted for you in all your uncertainty. 

Let it be the anchor that holds you through the final days of Summer, into the depths of Winter and emergent Spring. 

If you feel the call, join us, you won’t regret it.


  • We have had women from 20 to their late 70s join journeys such as this in the past, and welcome the same spectrum of age ranges to the group, which means we can enjoy a rich, diverse and truly intergenerational space.

  • There is no ‘right’ kind of life you need to be living to join this group, no limitations on what your circumstances can be. Those who will get the most from this experience are those who are at a time where taking a deep and reflective journey into self with the support of community feels like a good fit.

  • The truth is, none of us know. That is the beauty of it. We have been holding long journeys of this kind for 6 years and feel steadfast and confident in the transformative power of showing up in the Circle and watching yourself change, sometimes in huge life changing ways and sometimes in subtle, sweet and delicate ways that mean life looks the same on the outside but feels different on the inside. 

  • This is space designed for women and those who identify as women. To be very explicit: it is a trans-inclusive space and if this feels uncomfortable to you in any way, it might not be the right group for you.

  • Our refund policy is in line with your statutory rights- you can receive a refund up to 14 days after signing up.